Friday, May 22, 2020
Oedipus Trilogy Analysis - 1214 Words
Novel Analysis of The Oedipus Trilogy Oedipus Rex, or Oedipus Tyrannus as it is in Latin, could be what we call today a Freudian work of literature. The Oedipus Trilogy was originally written by Sophocles and is meant to be told in a story-telling fashion. But this Grecian tragedy was revised and translated into English by Paul Roche and put into a novel form. The Oedipus Trilogy is a novel that deals with destiny and fate. The reader is shown a series of events plotted out from which Oedipus cannot escape. When we begin to read this story, we must remember that Greek society was based around myths and legends. They, much like today#8217;s society, had the need to explain everything. Their myths were a way of explaining such things.†¦show more content†¦Creon seems to be a man of distinction and honor in the story. Tiresias, as the seer, symbolizes knowledge and reason. Jocasta acts as the mediator between Oedipus and the rest of the world. The two daughters are quiet and ob edient to only their family and to what makes sense. The sons are the symbol of the everlasting conflict in the line of Oedipus. Of course the setting takes a major role in the play. It takes place in ancient Greece, naturally, where tragedies and stories of misfortune are known to happen. And as such there are many symbols used throughout the trilogy. The chorus is one of the main symbols continually used in the story, singing their strophies and antistrophies. Their importance is to show what the people of the time would feel about what was happening. They are sort of a mild version of critics in the story. Tiresias, the seer, is another great symbol in the story. Though he is blind, he is proved in the story to have seen things more clearly than the stubborn Oedipus would have. The irony of it is that Oedipus himself later became that seer in the story of Colonus, with Antigone as his own hand-girl. The plays of Oedipus also use a great range of picturesque speech to make a point . We see it in the very first lines of Oedipus the king when Oedipus asks his beloved people, #8220;what is the meaning of this thronging round my feet- this holding out of olive branches wreathed in woe?#8221; (Roche 23).Show MoreRelatedOedipus The King As A Tragic Hero Essay1491 Words  | 6 PagesConsidered one of the greatest dramas of all time, Sophocles’ play Oedipus the King follows the tragic life of Oedipus, king of Thebes. Considered a Satyr play, the Oedipus trilogy is perhaps the most famous of Sophocles’ plays. Oedipus the King, is an Athenian tragedy that was first performed somewhere around 429 BC in Athens, Greece. Originally, the Greeks referred to the play as simply â€Å"Oedipus,†as that was what Aristotle referred to it as in the Poetics. Perhaps what makes this play so memorableRead MoreSexism In Oedipus The King1395 Words  | 6 Pagestragedy, Oedipus the King, is not sexist. 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