Friday, May 22, 2020
Oedipus Trilogy Analysis - 1214 Words
Novel Analysis of The Oedipus Trilogy Oedipus Rex, or Oedipus Tyrannus as it is in Latin, could be what we call today a Freudian work of literature. The Oedipus Trilogy was originally written by Sophocles and is meant to be told in a story-telling fashion. But this Grecian tragedy was revised and translated into English by Paul Roche and put into a novel form. The Oedipus Trilogy is a novel that deals with destiny and fate. The reader is shown a series of events plotted out from which Oedipus cannot escape. When we begin to read this story, we must remember that Greek society was based around myths and legends. They, much like today#8217;s society, had the need to explain everything. Their myths were a way of explaining such things.†¦show more content†¦Creon seems to be a man of distinction and honor in the story. Tiresias, as the seer, symbolizes knowledge and reason. Jocasta acts as the mediator between Oedipus and the rest of the world. The two daughters are quiet and ob edient to only their family and to what makes sense. The sons are the symbol of the everlasting conflict in the line of Oedipus. Of course the setting takes a major role in the play. It takes place in ancient Greece, naturally, where tragedies and stories of misfortune are known to happen. And as such there are many symbols used throughout the trilogy. The chorus is one of the main symbols continually used in the story, singing their strophies and antistrophies. Their importance is to show what the people of the time would feel about what was happening. They are sort of a mild version of critics in the story. Tiresias, the seer, is another great symbol in the story. Though he is blind, he is proved in the story to have seen things more clearly than the stubborn Oedipus would have. The irony of it is that Oedipus himself later became that seer in the story of Colonus, with Antigone as his own hand-girl. The plays of Oedipus also use a great range of picturesque speech to make a point . We see it in the very first lines of Oedipus the king when Oedipus asks his beloved people, #8220;what is the meaning of this thronging round my feet- this holding out of olive branches wreathed in woe?#8221; (Roche 23).Show MoreRelatedOedipus The King As A Tragic Hero Essay1491 Words  | 6 PagesConsidered one of the greatest dramas of all time, Sophocles’ play Oedipus the King follows the tragic life of Oedipus, king of Thebes. Considered a Satyr play, the Oedipus trilogy is perhaps the most famous of Sophocles’ plays. Oedipus the King, is an Athenian tragedy that was first performed somewhere around 429 BC in Athens, Greece. Originally, the Greeks referred to the play as simply â€Å"Oedipus,†as that was what Aristotle referred to it as in the Poetics. Perhaps what makes this play so memorableRead MoreSexism In Oedipus The King1395 Words  | 6 Pagestragedy, Oedipus the King, is not sexist. 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Sunday, May 10, 2020
Glossary of Usage Later and Latter
The words later and latter look similar, but their meanings arent quite the same. Definitions The adverb later means after a particular time or any time after the present. Later is also the comparative form of the adjective late. The adjective latter means occurring at or near the end of an activity. Latter also refers to the second of two persons or things already mentioned. Examples Though Amy said that she would join me later, I never saw her again.The porch light went out, then the light in the hall. A second later, a light went on upstairs at the side of the house, shining into a tree that was still covered with leaves.(John Cheever, The Country Husband. The New Yorker, 1955)Sacajawea in her younger days seems, as you state, to have had her full share of trouble, but in her old age she was more fortunate. Her latter years on the reservation were passed in peace and plenty.(Reverend John Roberts quoted by Grace Raymond Hebard in Sacajawea, A Guide and Interpreter of the Lewis and Clark Expedition, 1939)There are two kinds of worries: those you can do something about and those you cant. Dont spend any time on the latter.(attributed to Duke Ellington)[I]f were worried about the longer-term implications of current policies, the buildup of greenhouse gases is a much bigger deal than the accumulation of low-interest debt. It’s biza rre to talk about the latter but not the former.(Paul Krugman, What About the Planet? The New York Times, October 7, 2016) Idiom Alerts Sooner or Later The expression sooner or later means eventually or at some unspecified time in the future. The boy was looking at the dead roadside trees. Its okay, the man said. All the trees in the world are going to fall sooner or later. But not on us.(Cormac McCarthy, The Road. Knopf, 2006) Catch You Later The expression catch you (or see you) later means Goodbye for now, but I will see you again at some later time. I’m going to call your grandmother later on this morning to see if I can stop over. When is a good time to call?Anytime, she’s an early riser. Probably been up for hours already.â€Å"Still, I think I’ll wait till nine or so.Cool. I’ll catch you later, girl. Tell Nana I said hi.Will do, I said and disconnected. (Victoria Laurie, A Vision of Murder. Signet, 2005) Practice (a) Were it left to me to decide whether we should have a government without newspapers, or newspapers without a government, I should not hesitate a moment to prefer the ______.(Thomas Jefferson in a letter to Edward Carrington, January 16, 1787)(b) A little _____ that afternoon, when George had done his chores and finished his homework, he decided to go back next door.(Stephen Hawking and Lucy Hawking, George and the Big Bang. Simon Schuster, 2012) Answers to Practice Exercises (a) Were it left to me to decide whether we should have a government without newspapers, or newspapers without a government, I should not hesitate a moment to prefer the latter.(Thomas Jefferson in a letter to Edward Carrington, January 16, 1787))(b) A little later that afternoon, when George had done his chores and finished his homework, he decided to go back next door.(Stephen Hawking and Lucy Hawking, George and the Big Bang, 2012)
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Racism and Justice System Free Essays
The authors expose the myth of American meritocracy by informing us of all the ways that we maybe never paid attention to, such as how many black leaders there are in the sports arena’s such as coaches. They also expose the racial realist to the point that everything is not race based. Racial hierarchies are shown in ways that show us that American meritocracy is a myth by where blacks live. We will write a custom essay sample on Racism and Justice System or any similar topic only for you Order Now If blacks live in white neighborhoods how some would feel uncomfortable, or would even move out of the neighborhood. If racism was a thing of the past then we would no longer need affirmative action. Racism still exists and will forever exist in the world because the history it has of getting here. The book talks about how law institutionalizes the American ideal of equality, and this may be true but there are always people that are in these positions that corrupt and contaminate the entire system. Things have changed from the past form how racial discrimination was. It’s just done now through actions more so now than verbalizing. You can’t really verbalize your hatred for another race such as Texaco’s executives because you run the risk of people not bringing their business to you and now you can end up in civil court. The Supreme courts have made it even harder for one to make a discrimination suit against a company or employer because the evidence has to be so strong that it leaves no room for doubt in anyone’s mind in fact that was the case. Blacks are constantly stereotyped because of another black person’s action. Many white people have the perception that black people are lazy because we as a people seek more government help such as housing, food programs and even the low end jobs that some blacks have. They say that education rules out discrimination and employers rationally hire and promote people on the basis of their education and job skills. This is true to a certain extent; they won’t give the entire truth. They will hire African American based on those credentials but they won’t let them into the top positions. This I have found to be true just as recent as a couple of years ago. Walgreens would hire black assistant managers but would not promote them as store managers and a civil suit was filed against Walgreens’. Even in these case blacks still haven’t won because they promote a couple of black store managers and put them under a microscope, putting them in positions to fail. And once they fail they can keep hiring white store managers because they now have a paper trail of at least giving blacks an opportunity†¦.. to fail but at least they gave them a chance. Racism still exist even in schools to this day, no matter how you look at it they are still segregated to a degree. We can all agree that for the most part public schools in major cities are failing, and to get your children a good education you send them out to the suburbs. For here in Milwaukee they let a couple of black kids in their school system just to show that it’s not segregated but their tolerance for them is pretty low, knowing they can kick them out because 9 times out of ten they don’t stay in that school district. I am thankful that Brown’s case brought about desegregation in schools but there are loopholes in everything that people find. The plan that was implemented was whites move out of the major city and then their children have a chance for a better education with a lot less blacks there to intimidate or get their children involved with the wrong situation because so many whites think very lowly of blacks. I believe no matter what we as a nation or even the world will ever escape the ramifications of racism because like the book says how can we expect something of this nature to disappear in over thirty years that took over three hundred to create. My personal opinion is that we can make strides at it but we will never fully abolish racism. After all collectively as blacks we are taken for granted just as the fish takes the water they live in. How to cite Racism and Justice System, Papers
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